Inaccurate Realities Issue #3: Magic Release Day!

*showers confetti and sparkles about merrily*

Happy release day to the ladies of Inaccurate Realities and their beautiful third issue, MAGIC!

I’m so excited to read the other works in this issue and for you all to read this Threats of Sky and Sea prequel story featuring a certain favorite prince of mine in “Defining Justice!”

You can add it on Goodreads and buy Inaccurate Realities Issue #3: Magic now!

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magicfront21Witches and wizards, magic spells and potions. Incantations, ceremonies and rituals. The stories in this collection explore that which cannot be explained – the mysterious, the bizarre and the magical.


“Cupid’s Magic” by MK McFadden “The Black Forest” by Kasidy Manisco “The Killing Jar” by Jan Eldredge “Grieftaker” by T. Eric Bakutis “The Paper Doll” by Nancy O’Toole and “Defining Justice: A prequel to Threats of Sea and Sky” by Jennifer Ellision

As well as interviews with Jessica Spotswood, Michelle Krys and Danielle L Jensen and reviews of Half Bad by Sally Green, The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski and Born of Deception by Teri Brown.